
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

After 2 years of giving into Rheumatoid Arthritis and taking the steps in taking “my life” back, I have decided to give a little more of a push.  I am entering in the 2012 Orlando Triathlon at Baldwin Park.  I am entering in the Aquabike event.

I want to prove to myself and to others that you don’t always have to give in to what Rheumatoid Arthritis is doing to us.  After all, that is my goal in writing and meeting with people everyday.

If your planning on attending or entering, please feel free to contact me.  I would love to get in touch with more competitors!

Categories: Events, Fun Stuff, Life


I went to my Rheumy appointment today.  All went well, cut out the steroids totally and now undergoing further testing to see if I may be under remission.  I have heard of this happening if they can catch it early enough, but didn’t think it would happen to me.  So much has happened since I started training the past year.

My health is improving, I’m getting stronger and my outlook and lifestyle is much more positive and healthy.

I owe all the thanks for getting me this far to my family, friends and business partners that have kept positive thoughts in my mind to keep going and never look back.  This sign truly says they way I am feeling right now and how I choose to live my life.

Great way to start the day!!!

Started off the morning dropping off my little one at school, then off to the gym for the grueling Arms, Chest and Triceps workout.  Did a 30 min swim after.  I love starting off the day this way.  It doesn’t get any better than this.

A couple of photos from working out.


3% Down!!!

Today is one of the best days in some time as far as training goes.  I just did a body analysis this morning and found out that I have dropped 3% body fat.  To me that was a big deal, especially since I hit a plateau a month ago.

Thanks to the encouragement of my Family, Friends, Trainer Friends and Twitter Friends, I have accomplished something that has given a bigger push to keep it going.

I have been struggling with my routine the past month as it feels like my body has “adapted” to what I was doing.  Even though I would change sets, reps, body parts to workout nothing was changing.

Thanks to the advice to Kent who is one of the trainers at my gym and also a friend, my routine has been adjusted enough to show progress again.

Now, I am ready for the next 3%!!!

The Players 2011

Enjoyed spending time with family yesterday watching The Players. Sometimes R.A. gets a little annoying because I can never seem to walk fast enough to keep up with everyone.

Still an enjoyable time and so glad that I was able to be there for the 3rd year in a row.

This photo was shot with my iPhone and stitched together.



Categories: Fun Stuff, Life, Personal

2 Years

I was in the Rehabilitation Hospital learning out to walk again.  As the Physiatrist came to do her morning visit.  She came to me and said, “I wanted to get you measured for a new scooter”. I asked what I would need a scooter for, then she dropped the bomb on me.  She told me that I would likely not be able to walk again.

When you have a 4 year old that is just curious about life, that was the last thing that I was prepared to hear.  I had only been working with her for the past 2 days and she tells me this.

I have to be honest, for 1 1/2 years, I listened and believed what she told me.  I went through a lot of depression and hid it as much as I could.  I never told anyone because I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or to think that I am just being weak.  I’ve been told that sometimes people just don’t want to hear about your pain, so I kept quiet.

As summer of 2010 came, my daughter now 6 came to me and started asking me about doing more travel for summer vacation and doing more activities with me.  That was my call to change my mindset to as Og Mandino would say “A Better Way to Live”.

I started training religiously.  I loved my new “gym” friends.  I received a lot of motivation from my wife, family and friends.  I refuse to give into all of the negative.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still wake up with a lot of stiffness and live with a lot of pain, but I also feel that if I don’t do this for myself, then who will.

Please remember to keep moving everyday!!!

2 Years Ago…

I was in the Rehabilitation Hospital learning how to walk again.  As the Physiatrist came to do her morning visit.  She came to me and said, “I wanted to get you measured for a new scooter”. I asked what I would need a scooter for, then she dropped the bomb on me.  She told me that I would likely not be able to walk again.

When you have a 4 year old that is just curious about life, that was the last thing that I was prepared to hear.  I had only been working with her for the past 2 days and she tells me this.

I have to be honest, for 1 1/2 years, I listened and believed what she told me.  I went through a lot of depression and hid it as much as I could.  I never told anyone because I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or to think that I am just being weak.  I’ve been told that sometimes people just don’t want to hear about your pain, so I kept quiet.

As summer of 2010 came, my daughter now 6 came to me and started asking me about doing more travel for summer vacation and doing more activities with me.  That was my call to change my mindset to as Og Mandino would say “A Better Way to Live”.

I started training religiously.  I loved my new “gym” friends.  I received a lot of motivation from my wife, family and friends.  I refuse to give into all of the negative.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still wake up with a lot of stiffness and live with a lot of pain, but I also feel that if I don’t do this for myself, then who will.

Please remember to keep moving everyday!!!