
Archive for the ‘Polar HR Monitors’ Category

Polar RCX5

Here is the latest addition to Polars excellent line of Heart Rate Monitors.

Multi-sport athletes can now train or compete with confidence with the introduction of Polar RCX5 heart rate monitor. This new product has some “hot” features these athletes would love.

This hybrid heart strap allows athlete to monitor his heart rate even while swimming in salt water. It allows facility to transmit in different frequencies – 5kHz and 2.4 MHZ. The W.I.N.D. technology makes sure there will be no interference in signal transmission. In the past, triathletes complain that electric wires and transformer interfere with transmission.

This feature allows smooth transition from swimming, biking and running. Swimming, biking and running will require different heart rate zones – features offered by the new Polar RCX5. In addition, Polar makes sure it would easy to shift between zones and to access them.

This new product allows use to transfer date to either Mac or PC eliminating need of other software. The product comes with Datalink so data transfer is just a click of the mouse.

The Polar RCX5 offers big display of basic information like heart rate, speed, distance, etc. at the same time. No more scrolling!

The Polar RCX5 comes with a small G5 GPS sensor that could be recharged using USB. The stride sensor makes sure of accurate stride and distance measurement. There’s a separate configuration for bikers.

Another feature is a training system that creates plan, advice and helps to maximize effort and could be adjusted as the case maybe.

This makes the athlete train at proper intensity as training could be challenging at times.
To learn more, check out the video.

Polar FT80

  • Slim, unobtrusive watch
  • Very versatile
  • Compatible with G1 GPS and S1 Foot Pod
  • FlowLink plate bundled for data upload
  • Compatible with gym cardio equipment
  • Strength Training option
  • Integrated STAR training programme
  • No lapping feature
  • Info screens not customisable
  • No altitude data
  • No temperature data
  • Not compatible with bike sensors
Manufacturer: Polar
FT80 – 319.95
G1 GPS – 139.95
S1 Foot Pod – 129.95

Happy Tuesday!!!

Hi everyone!  It was a long and exciting weekend for me.  I spent Friday giving a clinic on Polar HRM to the owners and staff of Fit Life Jacksonville.  Saturday, they had their Grand Opening.  It was definitely worth my Saturday getting to spend time with people how are Polar users, but most of all getting to meet the people who are interested in Polar HRM’s but didn’t know what to do with it.

If your in the Jacksonville, FL area and your looking for some dedicated trainers that want to get you the results that your looking for, stop by Fit Life Jacksonville.  I can guarantee that you will love what you see and how you will feel.

Great way to start the day!!!

Started off the morning dropping off my little one at school, then off to the gym for the grueling Arms, Chest and Triceps workout.  Did a 30 min swim after.  I love starting off the day this way.  It doesn’t get any better than this.

A couple of photos from working out.


3% Down!!!

Today is one of the best days in some time as far as training goes.  I just did a body analysis this morning and found out that I have dropped 3% body fat.  To me that was a big deal, especially since I hit a plateau a month ago.

Thanks to the encouragement of my Family, Friends, Trainer Friends and Twitter Friends, I have accomplished something that has given a bigger push to keep it going.

I have been struggling with my routine the past month as it feels like my body has “adapted” to what I was doing.  Even though I would change sets, reps, body parts to workout nothing was changing.

Thanks to the advice to Kent who is one of the trainers at my gym and also a friend, my routine has been adjusted enough to show progress again.

Now, I am ready for the next 3%!!!